00 04/02/2008 10:20
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Pelvic Floor Muscle Damage Helps Explain Pelvic Pain
Quinn M. Injuries to the levator ani in unexplained, chronic pelvic pain. J Obstet Gynaecol. 2007 Nov;27(8):828-31.
Sometimes neither urologists nor gynecologists know what’s causing pelvic pain, and even if they treat IC or a gynecologic problem, it doesn’t always help the pelvic pain. It’s becoming clear that damage to pelvic floor muscles can be the reason, and this study brought that home by actually taking a look at the muscles with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The gynecologists had 26 women undergo MRI who showed no apparent reason for their pelvic pain, such as endometriosis, during laparoscopy. The researchers compared the images of these women’s muscles with images of the muscles of women who had MRIs for other reasons and with those of women who had no symptoms and who had not given birth. Unlike their counterparts, most of the women (20 out of 26) who had unexplained pain had damage to or some defect in the major muscle of the pelvic floor, the levator ani. This muscle is actually made up of three muscles, the pubococcygeus in the front, the iliococcygeus in the middle, and the coccygeus in the back. In three of the women, the pubococcygeus had torn away from the pubic bone, in 14 it had torn away from one of its attachments, and in six the pubococcygeus had lost its shape and form.

Hanno fatto uno studio sul dolore pelvico cronico, e mediante risonanza magnetica hanno notato che 20 donne su 26 affette da dolore pelvico cronico inspiagabile presentavano danni o difetti nel principale muscolo del pavimento pelvico: il muscolo ELVATORE DELL’ANO.
Questo muscolo è composto da 3 muscoli, il pubococcigeo di fronte, l’iliococcigeo al centro, il coccigeo dietro. In 3 delle donne controllate, il pubococcigeo si era strappato dall’osso pubico, in 14 si era strappato da uno dei suoi legamenti, e in 6 il pubococcigeo aveva perso la forma.